[FE training-materials-updates] Added lab instructions in LaTeX

Michael Opdenacker michael.opdenacker at free-electrons.com
Tue Feb 7 11:21:28 CET 2012

Resent after issues with e-mail delivery (investigating)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

commit b22233b44117071af0a60066cb039287a42e0b5b
Author: Michael Opdenacker <michael at free-electrons.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 7 10:45:53 2012 +0100

    Added lab instructions in LaTeX

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a0742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# Needed tools
+INKSCAPE = inkscape
+PDFLATEX = pdflatex
+DIA      = dia
+EPSTOPDF = epstopdf
+# List of labs for the different courses
+SYSDEV_LABS   = setup \
+		sysdev-toolchain \
+		sysdev-u-boot \
+		sysdev-kernel-fetch-and-patch \
+		sysdev-kernel-cross-compiling \
+		sysdev-tinysystem \
+		sysdev-block-filesystems \
+		sysdev-flash-filesystems \
+		sysdev-thirdparty \
+		sysdev-buildroot \
+		sysdev-application-development \
+		sysdev-application-debugging \
+		sysdev-real-time \
+		sysdev-mdev \
+		backup
+KERNEL_LABS   = setup \
+		kernel-sources \
+		kernel-module-environment \
+		kernel-module-simple \
+		kernel-serial-iomem \
+		kernel-serial-output \
+		kernel-serial-interrupt \
+		kernel-locking \
+		kernel-debugging \
+		kernel-serial-driver \
+		kernel-power-management \
+		kernel-git \
+		backup
+# Output directory
+OUTDIR   = $(PWD)/out
+# Environment for pdflatex, which allows it to find the stylesheet in the
+# common/ directory.
+# Arguments passed to pdflatex
+PDFLATEX_OPT = -shell-escape -file-line-error -halt-on-error
+# The common slide stylesheet
+STYLESHEET = common/beamerthemeFreeElectrons.sty
+# === Picture lookup ===
+# Function that computes the list of pictures of the extension given
+# in $(2) from the directories in $(1), and transforms the filenames
+# in .pdf in the output directory. This is used to compute the list of
+# .pdf files that need to be generated from .dia or .svg files.
+	$(patsubst %.$(2),$(OUTDIR)/%.pdf,$(foreach s,$(1),$(wildcard $(s)/*.$(2))))
+# Function that computes the list of pictures of the extension given
+# in $(2) from the directories in $(1). This is used for pictures that
+# to not need any transformation, such as bitmap files in the .png or
+# .jpg formats.
+	$(patsubst %,$(OUTDIR)/%,$(foreach s,$(1),$(wildcard $(s)/*.$(2))))
+# Function that computes the list of pictures from the directories in
+# $(1) and returns output filenames in the output directory.
+	$(call PICTURES_NO_TRANSFORMATION,$(1),png)   \
+# List of common pictures
+COMMON_PICTURES   = $(call PICTURES,common)
+default: help
+# === Compilation of labs ===
+ifdef LABS
+# Compute the set of chapters to build depending on the name of the
+# PDF file that was requested.
+ifeq ($(LABS),full-kernel)
+LABS_VARSFILE      = common/kernel-labs-vars.tex
+else ifeq ($(LABS),full-sysdev)
+LABS_VARSFILE      = common/sysdev-labs-vars.tex
+LABS_VARSFILE      = common/single-labs-vars.tex
+# Compute the set of corresponding .tex files and pictures
+LABS_TEX      = \
+	common/labs-header.tex \
+	$(foreach s,$(LABS_CHAPTERS),$(wildcard labs/$(s)/$(s).tex)) \
+	common/labs-footer.tex
+LABS_PICTURES = $(call PICTURES,$(foreach s,$(LABS_CHAPTERS),labs/$(s))) $(COMMON_PICTURES)
+%-labs.pdf: common/labs.sty $(LABS_TEX) $(LABS_PICTURES)
+	@mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)
+# We generate a .tex file with \input{} directives (instead of just
+# concatenating all files) so that when there is an error, we are
+# pointed at the right original file and the right line in that file.
+	rm -f $(OUTDIR)/$(basename $@).tex
+	for f in $(filter %.tex,$^) ; do \
+		echo -n "\input{../"          >> $(OUTDIR)/$(basename $@).tex ; \
+		echo -n $$f | sed 's%\.tex%%' >> $(OUTDIR)/$(basename $@).tex ; \
+		echo "}"                      >> $(OUTDIR)/$(basename $@).tex ; \
+	done
+	(cd $(OUTDIR); $(PDFLATEX_ENV) $(PDFLATEX) $(basename $@).tex)
+# The second call to pdflatex is to be sure that we have a correct table of
+# content and index
+	(cd $(OUTDIR); $(PDFLATEX_ENV) $(PDFLATEX) $(basename $@).tex > /dev/null 2>&1)
+# We use cat to overwrite the final destination file instead of mv, so
+# that evince notices that the file has changed and automatically
+# reloads it (which doesn't happen if we use mv here). This is called
+# 'Maxime's feature'.
+	cat out/$@ > $@
+%-labs.pdf: FORCE
+	@$(MAKE) $@ LABS=$*
+# === Picture generation ===
+$(OUTDIR)/%.pdf: %.svg
+	@printf "%-15s%-20s->%20s\n" INKSCAPE $(notdir $^) $(notdir $@)
+	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+ifeq ($(V),)
+	$(INKSCAPE) -D -A $@ $< > /dev/null 2>&1
+	$(INKSCAPE) -D -A $@ $<
+$(OUTDIR)/%.pdf: $(OUTDIR)/%.eps
+	@printf "%-15s%-20s->%20s\n" EPSTOPDF $(notdir $^) $(notdir $@)
+	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	$(EPSTOPDF) --outfile=$@ $^
+$(OUTDIR)/%.eps: %.dia
+	@printf "%-15s%-20s->%20s\n" DIA $(notdir $^) $(notdir $@)
+	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	$(DIA) -e $@ -t eps $^
+$(OUTDIR)/%.png: %.png
+	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	@cp $^ $@
+$(OUTDIR)/%.jpg: %.jpg
+	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	@cp $^ $@
+# === Misc targets ===
+	$(RM) -rf $(OUTDIR) *.pdf
+	@echo "Available targets:"
+	@echo
+	@echo " full-sysdev-labs.pdf		Complete labs for the 'sysdev' training"
+	@echo " full-kernel-labs.pdf		Complete labs for the 'kernel' training"
+	@echo " <some-chapter>-labs.pdf		Labs for a particular chapter in labs/"
+	@echo
diff --git a/common/android-labs-vars.tex b/common/android-labs-vars.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e46986e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/android-labs-vars.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+\def\labbooktitle{Android Training}
diff --git a/common/android-title.tex b/common/android-title.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..566e5c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/android-title.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+\authors{Maxime Ripard}
+\title{Android System Development}
+\chapterframe{Android System Development}
diff --git a/common/beamerthemeFreeElectrons.sty b/common/beamerthemeFreeElectrons.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f93584b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/beamerthemeFreeElectrons.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+% Beamer theme for Free-Electrons presentations
+% Copyright (C) 2010 Maxime Petazzoni <maxime.petazzoni at bulix.org>
+% Creative Commons CC-by-sa 3.0
+% Define the "Free-Electrons blue" color
+\setbeamercolor*{palette primary}{bg=feblue}
+\setbeamercolor{block body}{bg=fecodebg}
+% Custom free-electrons commands
+\newcommand{\klink}[1]{\href{http://lxr.linux.no/?=#1}{\usebeamercolor[fg]{code} {\tt #1}}}
+\newcommand{\code}[1]{{\usebeamercolor[fg]{code} \path{#1}}}
+  basicstyle=\tiny \ttfamily,
+  emphstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries\ttfamily,
+ {\begin{block}{}}
+ {\end{block}}
+%% Mode presentation
+% Remove navigation symbols
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+  \vskip-2pt
+  \hbox{%
+    \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=3ex,dp=1.5ex]{frametitle}%
+      \usebeamerfont{frametitle}
+      \begin{textblock}{.2}[0.5,0.5](0.12,0.07)
+       \includegraphics[width=1cm]{common/logo-penguins.pdf} 
+      \end{textblock} 
+      \hspace{1.25cm}
+      \insertframetitle
+    \end{beamercolorbox}
+  }
+% Footer
+  \hbox{%
+    \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,leftskip=0.5em]{palette primary}%
+      \Tiny
+      \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} lr}
+        Free Electrons. Kernel, drivers and embedded Linux development,
+        consulting, training and support.
+        ~{\tt http://free-electrons.com} & \insertframenumber{}
+      \end{tabular*}
+    \end{beamercolorbox}
+  }
+  \vskip0pt
+  \renewcommand{\@authors}{#1}
+  \renewcommand{\@trainingurl}{#1}
+  \begin{frame}{#1}
+    \begin{columns}[b]
+      \column{0.5\textwidth}
+      \huge
+      #1\\
+      \vspace{0.5cm}
+      \footnotesize
+      \@authors\\
+      {\bf Free Electrons}\\
+      \vspace{1cm}
+      \tinyv
+      © Copyright 2009-\the\year, Free Electrons.\\
+      Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license.\\
+      Latest update: \today.\\
+      Document sources, updates and translations:\\
+      \url{\@trainingurl}\\
+      Corrections, suggestions, contributions and translations are welcome!
+      \column{0.5\textwidth}
+      \includegraphics[height=4cm]{common/logo-square.pdf}
+    \end{columns}
+  \end{frame}
+  \section{#1}
+  \begin{frame}{#1}
+    \begin{columns}[b]
+      \column{0.5\textwidth}
+      \huge
+      #2\\
+      \vspace{0.5cm}
+      \footnotesize
+      \@authors\\
+      {\bf Free Electrons}\\
+      \vspace{1cm}
+      \tinyv
+      © Copyright 2009-\the\year, Free Electrons.\\
+      Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license.\\
+      Latest update: \today.\\
+      Document sources, updates and translations:\\
+      \url{\@trainingurl}\\
+      Corrections, suggestions, contributions and translations are welcome!
+      \column{0.5\textwidth}
+      \includegraphics[height=4cm]{common/logo-square.pdf}
+    \end{columns}
+  \end{frame}
+  \section{#2}
+  \begin{frame}{#1}
+    \huge
+    \begin{center}
+      #2
+    \end{center}
+  \end{frame}
+%% Create a slide announcing a lab, with the beautiful worker penguin
+%% on the left.
+%%  first argument: slide title (will be prepended by 'Practical lab - ')
+%%  second argument: contents of the slide
+  \begin{frame}{Practical lab - #1}
+    \begin{columns}
+      \column{0.4\textwidth}
+      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{common/lab-penguin.png}
+      \column{0.6\textwidth}
+      #2
+      \end{columns}
+  \end{frame}
+  {\large \color{red}TODO: #1}
diff --git a/common/kernel-labs-vars.tex b/common/kernel-labs-vars.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e27f9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/kernel-labs-vars.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+\def\labbooktitle{Linux kernel and driver development training}
diff --git a/common/kernel-title.tex b/common/kernel-title.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd74a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/kernel-title.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\begin{frame}{Linux kernel and device driver development}
+  \begin{columns}[b]
+   \column{0.5\textwidth}
+     \huge
+     Linux kernel and device driver development\\
+     \vspace{1cm}
+     \normalsize
+     Grégory Clément, Michael Opdenacker, Thomas Petazzoni\\
+     {\bf Free Electrons}
+   \column{0.5\textwidth}
+     \includegraphics[height=4cm]{common/logo-square.pdf}
+   \end{columns}
diff --git a/common/lab-penguin.png b/common/lab-penguin.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8c5a6b
Binary files /dev/null and b/common/lab-penguin.png differ
diff --git a/common/labs-footer.tex b/common/labs-footer.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b47932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/labs-footer.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/common/labs-header.tex b/common/labs-header.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb6021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/labs-header.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\title{\labbooktitle \\ \vspace{1cm} Lab Book}
diff --git a/common/labs.sty b/common/labs.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcd5cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/labs.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+%% Remove indentation on the first line of each paragraph, and add
+%% some space between each paragraph.
+%% Use a more modern, and less LaTeX-old-style-looking font.
+%% Use more reasonable margins. We keep a different outer margin than
+%% the inner margin so that the holes needed for the binders are
+%% properly taken into account.
+\usepackage[vmargin=3cm, inner=4cm, outer=3cm]{geometry}
+%% Package used to adjust the vertical space before and
+%% after \chapter, \section
+%% We want hyphenation to be allowed after spaces and hyphens, and we
+%% want the URL package to retain spaces in the URLS.
+\ProvidesPackage{labs}[28/03/2011 - First rework of labs training templates]
+% Extensions
+%% Modify Latex constant and environments to fit our needs
+%% Adjust style of \chapter, using the titlesec package
+  {\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{}{0pt}{\Huge}
+\titlespacing*{\chapter} {0pt}{0pt}{3pt}
+%% Adjust style of \section, using the titlesec package
+%% Set the font of the marginpar env to footnote size (some kind of hack.)
+\renewcommand\marginpar[1]{\-\oldmarginpar[\raggedleft\footnotesize #1]%
+{\raggedright\footnotesize #1}}
+%% Add a \chapter{}{} command so that we can add a subtitle to the chapter
+  \chapter{#1}
+  {\Large \it #2}
+  \vspace{\headsep}
+%% Set up the constants
+  \href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/}{Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 licence}
+\author{Free Electrons \\\url{\@feurl}}
+  \renewcommand{\@trainingurl}{#1}
+  \renewcommand{\@ccimg}{#1}
+%% Define the url style
+\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, urlcolor=blue, linkcolor=blue}
+%% Disable chapter, section and subsection numbering
+%% Reset headers and footer
+%% And now set them back
+%% Set the default layout
+\fancyhead[LE,LO]{Free Electrons}
+\fancyfoot[RE,LO]{\copyright~2004-\the\year~\href{http://free-electrons.com}{Free Electrons}, CC BY-SA license}
+%% Defining our customs commands
+%% Define a \code command to be used for file paths, function names
+%% and other pieces of texts that must be typeset with a fixed-size
+%% font, and that are present in a paragraph with other text. We use
+%% the \path{} command of the 'url' package because it provides
+%% correct hyphenation on slashes, and also avoids the need to escape
+%% characters such as _ $ or &.
+  \section{About this document}
+  This document can be found on \url{\@trainingurl}.\\
+  It is composed of several source documents that we aggregate for each training
+  session. These individual source documents can be found on \url{http://free-electrons.com/docs}.\\
+  More details about our training sessions can be found on \url{http://free-electrons.com/training}.\\
+  \section{Copying this document}
+  \copyright~2004-\the\year, Free Electrons, \url{\@feurl}.\\
+  \begin{wrapfigure}{l}{0.1\textwidth}
+    \vspace{-15pt}
+    \begin{center}
+      \includegraphics[width=0.08\textwidth]{\@ccimg}
+    \end{center}
+  \end{wrapfigure}
+  This document is released under the terms of the \@cchref. This means that you
+  are free to download, distribute and even modify it, under certain conditions.
+  \\
+  Corrections, suggestions, contributions and translations are welcome!
diff --git a/common/logo-cc.svg b/common/logo-cc.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6781308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/logo-cc.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
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+%% This is file `minted.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% minted.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% Copyright 2010--2011 Konrad Rudolph
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
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+%% The latest version of this license is in
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+%% Additionally, the project may be distributed under the terms of the new BSD
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+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Konrad Rudolph.
+%% This work consists of the files minted.dtx and minted.ins
+%% and the derived file minted.sty.
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+      to use this package}
+     {Refer to the installation instructions in the minted
+      documentation for more information.}
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+%% End of file `minted.sty'.
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+\institute{Free Electrons}
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+\def\labbooktitle{Embedded Linux Training}
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+\authors{Grégory Clément, Michael Opdenacker, Maxime Ripard, Thomas Petazzoni}
+\chapterframe{Embedded Linux system development}
diff --git a/labs/backup/backup.tex b/labs/backup/backup.tex
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/labs/backup/backup.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\subchapter{Backing up your lab files}{Objective: clean up and make an
+archive of your lab directory}
+\section{End of the training session}
+Congratulations. You reached the end of the training session. You now
+have plenty of working examples you created by yourself, and you can
+build upon them to create more elaborate things.
+In this last lab, we will create an archive of all the things you
+created. We won't keep everything though, as there are lots of things
+you can easily retrieve again.
+\section{Create a lab archive}
+Go to the directory containing your felabs directory:
+cd $HOME
+Now, run a command that will do some clean up and then create an archive with the most important files:
+\item Kernel configuration files
+\item Other source configuration files (BusyBox, Crosstool-ng...)
+\item Kernel images
+\item Toolchain
+\item Other custom files
+Here is the command:
+At end end, you should have a \code{felabs-<user>.tar.lzma} archive
+that you can copy to a USB flash drive, for example. This file should
+only be a few hundreds of MB big.
diff --git a/labs/kernel-debugging/kernel-debugging.tex b/labs/kernel-debugging/kernel-debugging.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..290ead7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/labs/kernel-debugging/kernel-debugging.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+\subchapter{Kernel debugging mechanisms and kernel crash
+  analysis}{Objective: Use kernel debugging mechanisms and analyze a
+  kernel crash}
+\section{{\tt pr\_debug()} and dynamic debugging}
+Add a \code{pr_debug()} call in the \code{write()} operation that shows
+each character being written (or its hexadecimal representation) and
+add a similar \code{pr_debug()} call in your interrupt handler to show
+each character being received.
+Check what happens with your module. Do you see the debugging messages
+that you added ? Your kernel probably has neither \code{CONFIG_DEBUG} nor
+\code{CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG} set, so you shouldn't see any message.
+Now, recompile your kernel with \code{CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG} and reboot. The
+dynamic debug feature can be configured using debugfs, so you'll have
+to mount the debugfs filesystem first. Then, after reading the dynamic
+debug documentation in the kernel sources, do the following things :
+\item List all available debug messages in the kernel
+\item Enable all debugging messages of your serial module, and check
+  that you indeed see those messages.
+\item Enable just one single debug message in your serial module, and
+  check that you see just this message and not the other debug
+  messages of your module.
+Now, you have a good mechanism to keep many debug messages in your
+drivers and be able to selectively enable only some of them.
+Since you have enabled debugfs to control the dynamic debug feature,
+we will also use it to add a new debugfs entry. Modify your driver to
+add :
+\item A directory called \code{serial} in the {\em debugfs} filesystem
+\item And file called \code{counter} inside the \code{serial}
+  directory of the debugfs filesystem. This file should allow to see
+  the contents of the \code{counter} variable of your module.
+Recompile and reload your driver, and check that in
+\code{/sys/kernel/debug/serial/counter} you can see the amount of characters
+that have been transmitted by your driver.
+\section{Kernel crash analysis}
+Go to the \code{/home/<user>/felabs/linux/debugging} directory.
+Make sure that your kernel has the following options enabled:
+\item Support for root filesystem over NFS support
+\item The \code{CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO} configuration option, (Kernel
+  Hacking section) which makes it possible to see source code in the
+  disassembled kernel
+\item Disable the \code{CONFIG_ARM_UNWIND} configuration option
+  (Kernel Hacking section). This option enables a new mechanism to
+  handle stack backtraces, but this new mechanism is not yet as
+  functional and reliable as the old mechanism based on frame
+  pointers. In our case, with our board, you get a backtrace only if
+  this option is disabled.
+The \code{nfsroot/} directory is the root filesystem.
+Compile the \code{drvbroken} module provided
+  in \code{nfsroot/root/drvbroken}, after modifying the Makefile so
+  that \code{KDIR} properly points to your kernel source tree.
+Run the target system on the Calao board, and load the \code{drvbroken}
+kernel module. See it crashing in a nice way.
+\section{Analyzing the crash message}
+Analyze the crash message carefully. Knowing that on ARM, the pc
+register contains the location of the instruction being executed, find
+in which function does the crash happens, and what the function call
+stack is.
+Using LXR (for example \url{http://lxr.free-electrons.com}) or the
+kernel source code, have a look at the definition of this
+function. This, with a careful review of the driver source code should
+probably be enough to help you understand and fix the issue.
+\section{Further analysis of the problem}
+If the function source code is not enough, then you can look at the
+disassembled version of the function, either using:
+arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump -S linux-3.0.x/vmlinux > vmlinux.disasm
+or, using \code{gdb-multiarch}\footnote{gdb-multiarch is a new package
+  supporting multiple architectures at once. If you have a cross
+  toolchain including gdb, you can also run arm-linux-gdb directly.}
+sudo apt-get install gdb-multiarch
+gdb-multiarch linux-3.0.x/vmlinux
+(gdb) set arch arm
+(gdb) set gnutarget elf32-littlearm
+(gdb) disassemble function_name
+Then find at which exact instruction the crash occurs. The offset is
+provided by the crash output, as well as a dump of the code around the
+crashing instruction.
+Of course, analyzing the disassembled version of the function requires
+some assembly skills on the architecture you are working on.
diff --git a/labs/kernel-git/kernel-git.tex b/labs/kernel-git/kernel-git.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..227f3cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/labs/kernel-git/kernel-git.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+\subchapter{Git}{Objective: use the basic Git features}
+After this lab, you will be able to:
+\item Clone a Git repository
+\item Explore the history of a Git repository
+\item Make changes in your own branch
+\item Generate the patches corresponding to your own branch
+Go to \code{/home/<user>/felabs/linux/git/}
+This lab assumes that you already installed git software and cloned
+the Linus Torvalds' git tree. See our {\em Kernel source code} lab for
+details (\url{http://free-electrons.com/doc/training/linux-kernel/}).
+\section{Configuring Git}
+Configure your name and email address in git with \code{git config}.
+\section{Clone a repository}
+We already cloned Linus Torvalds' git tree, but it is useful to know
+how to do it again. Go to \url{http://git.kernel.org} and make sure you know
+how to find the \code{git://} URL of his Linux tree.
+Cloning downloaded quite a lot of data, but then at the end, we have
+the full history of the Linux kernel (since the kernel developers
+started to use Git, around kernel 2.6.12). We can access and explore
+this history offline.
+\section{Exploring the history}
+With \code{git log}, look at the list of changes that have been made on the scheduler.
+With \code{git log}, look at the list of changes and their associated
+patches, that have been made on the ATMEL serial driver
+(\code{drivers/tty/serial/atmel_serial.c}) between the versions 3.0
+and 3.1 of the kernel.
+With \code{git diff}, look at the differences between \code{fs/jffs2/}
+(which contains the JFFS2 filesystem driver) in 3.0 and 3.1.
+With \code{gitk}, look at the full history of the UBIFS filesystem (in
+On the {\em gitweb} interface of Linus Torvalds tree, available at
+search all commits that have been done by Free Electrons (hint: use
+the search engine by author).
+\section{Make your changes}
+Create your own branch with \code{git branch} and then move to it with
+\code{git checkout}.
+Make a dummy change to the \code{MAINTAINERS} file, and commit your
+change. Look at the difference between the master branch and your
+branch (with \code{git log}, \code{git diff} and \code{gitk}).
+Then, edit \code{init/main.c}. In the function \code{start_kernel()},
+after the call to \code{printk()} to print the \code{linux_banner}
+variable, add a call to \code{printk()} to print your own
+message. Commit your change.
+\section{Share your changes}
+Generate the patch series corresponding to your two changes using
+\code{git format-patch}.
+Configure your SMTP server using:
+git config --global sendemail.smtpserver smtp.company.com
+And then send the patches to yourself using \code{git send-email}.
+\section{Tracking another tree}
+Say you want to work on the realtime Linux tree, so we'll add this
+tree to the trees you're tracking:
+git remote add realtime \
+  git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/rostedt/linux-2.6-rt.git
+A \code{git fetch} will fetch the data for this tree. Of course, Git
+will optimize the storage, and will no store everything that's common
+between the two trees. This is the big advantage of having a single
+local repository to track multiple remote trees, instead of having
+multiple local repositories.
+We can then switch to the master branch of the realtime tree:
+git checkout realtime/master
+Or look at the difference between the scheduler code in the official
+tree and in the realtime tree:
+git diff master..realtime/master kernel/sched.c
diff --git a/labs/kernel-locking/kernel-locking.tex b/labs/kernel-locking/kernel-locking.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ce4a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/labs/kernel-locking/kernel-locking.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+\subchapter{Locking}{Objective: practice with basic locking primitives}
+During this lab, you will:
+\item Practice with locking primitives to implement exclusive access
+  to the device.
+Stay in the \code{/home/<user>/felabs/linux/character} directory.
+You need to have completed the previous two labs to perform this one.
+Boot your board with the same NFS environment as before, and load your
+serial module.
+\section{Adding appropriate locking}
+We have two shared resources in our driver:
+\item The buffer that allows to transfer the read data from the
+  interrupt handler to the read() operation.
+\item The device itself. It might not be a good idea to mess with the
+  device registers at the same time and in two different contexts.
+Therefore, your job is to add a spinlock to the driver, and use it in
+the appropriate locations to prevent concurrent accesses to the shared
+buffer and to the device.
+Please note that you don't have to prevent two processes from writing
+at the same time: this can happen and is a valid behavior. However, if
+two processes write data at the same time to the serial port, the
+serial controller should not get confused.
diff --git a/labs/kernel-module-environment/host-vs-target.dia b/labs/kernel-module-environment/host-vs-target.dia
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54b2b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/labs/kernel-module-environment/host-vs-target.dia
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
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+            <dia:string>#Network#</dia:string>
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+        <dia:point val="23.65,14.7"/>
+        <dia:point val="46.655,14.7"/>
+        <dia:point val="46.655,13.7"/>
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+        <dia:enum val="0"/>
+        <dia:enum val="1"/>
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+        <dia:boolean val="true"/>
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+        <dia:enum val="22"/>
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+      <dia:attribute name="end_arrow_length">
+        <dia:real val="0.5"/>
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+      <dia:attribute name="end_arrow_width">
+        <dia:real val="0.5"/>
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+        <dia:connection handle="0" to="O0" connection="6"/>
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+      <dia:attribute name="obj_pos">
+        <dia:point val="33.4,15.6"/>
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+      <dia:attribute name="obj_bb">
+        <dia:rectangle val="33.4,15.005;36.925,15.7525"/>
+      </dia:attribute>
+      <dia:attribute name="text">
+        <dia:composite type="text">
+          <dia:attribute name="string">
+            <dia:string>#NFS export#</dia:string>
+          </dia:attribute>
+          <dia:attribute name="font">
+            <dia:font family="sans" style="0" name="Helvetica"/>
+          </dia:attribute>
+          <dia:attribute name="height">
+            <dia:real val="0.80000000000000004"/>
+          </dia:attribute>
+          <dia:attribute name="pos">
+            <dia:point val="33.4,15.6"/>
+          </dia:attribute>
+          <dia:attribute name="color">
+            <dia:color val="#000000"/>
+          </dia:attribute>
+          <dia:attribute name="alignment">
+            <dia:enum val="0"/>
+          </dia:attribute>
+        </dia:composite>
+      </dia:attribute>
+      <dia:attribute name="valign">
+        <dia:enum val="3"/>
+      </dia:attribute>
+    </dia:object>
+  </dia:layer>
diff --git a/labs/kernel-module-environment/kernel-module-environment.tex b/labs/kernel-module-environment/kernel-module-environment.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a461d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/labs/kernel-module-environment/kernel-module-environment.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+\subchapter{Module development environment}{Objective: Setup an NFS
+  based kernel module development environment}
+After this lab, you will be able to:
+\item Cross-compile a kernel for the ARM platform
+\item Boot this kernel on an NFS root filesystem, which is somewhere
+on your development workstation\footnote{NFS root filesystems are
+particularly useful to compile modules on your host, and make them
+directly visible on the target. You longer have to update the root
+filesystem by hand and transfer it to the target (requiring a shutdown
+and reboot).}
+\section{Lab implementation}
+While developing a kernel module, the developer wants to change the
+source code, compile and test the new kernel module very
+frequently. While writing and compiling the kernel module is done the
+development workstation, the test of the kernel module usually has to
+be done on the target, since it might interact with hardware specific
+to the target.
+However, flashing the root filesystem on the target for every test is
+time-consuming and would use the flash chip needlessly.
+Fortunately, it is possible to set up networking between the
+development workstation and the target. Then, workstation files can be
+accessed through the network by the target, using NFS.
+Stay in the \code{/home/<user>/felabs/linux/modules} directory.
+Install packages needed for this lab:
+sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev u-boot-tools
+\code{libqt4-dev} is needed for \code{make xconfig}. \code{u-boot-tools}
+is needed to build the uImage file for U-boot (\code{mkimage} utility).
+\section{Cross-compiling toolchain setup}
+We are going to install a cross-compiling toolchain from
+Linaro\footnote{Note that Linaro toolchains by default generate code
+for the {\em armv7} instruction set, while our AT91 CPU only supports
+{\em armv5}. This is not a problem, as the kernel \code{Makefile} will
+invoke the cross-compiler with the right instruction set settings.}, a
+very popular source for ARM toolchains (amongst other useful resources
+for Linux on ARM).
+sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linaro-maintainers/toolchain
+sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
+Now find out the path and name of the cross-compiler executable by looking at the contents of the package:
+dpkg -L gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
+\section{Kernel configuration}
+Set the \code{ARCH} and \code{CROSS_COMPILE} settings for the arm
+platform and to use your cross-compiler, either by modifying the
+kernel \code{Makefile} or by setting environment variables.
+Configure this kernel with the ready-made configuration for boards
+with the AT91SAM9263 CPU.
+If needed, add the configuration options that enable booting on a root
+filesystem over NFS.
+Compile your kernel and generate the uImage kernel image that U-boot
+needs (the U-boot bootloader needs the kernel zImage file to be
+encapsulated in a special container and the kernel Makefile can
+generate this container for you by running the mkimage tool found in
+the uboot-mkimage package):
+make uImage
+\section{Setting up the NFS server}
+Install the NFS server by installing the nfs-kernel-server
+package. Once installed, edit the \code{/etc/exports} file as
+\code{root} to add the following lines, assuming that the IP address
+of your board will be \code{}:
+Then, restart the NFS server:
+sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
+\section{Setting up serial communication with the board}
+Plug the Calao board on your computer using its USB-A connector. When
+plugged-in, two serial ports should appear, \code{/dev/ttyUSB0} and
+\code{/dev/ttyUSB1}. \code{/dev/ttyUSB0} is used for the JTAG while
+\code{/dev/ttyUSB1} corresponds to the {\em DBGU}, the debugging
+serial port of the AT91 processor. You can also see this device appear
+by looking at the output of \code{dmesg}.
+To communicate with the board through the serial port, install a serial communication program, such as \code{picocom}:
+sudo apt-get install picocom
+Run \code{picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1}, to start a serial
+communication on \code{/dev/ttyUSB1}, with a baudrate of 115200. If
+you wish to exit picocom, press \code{[Ctrl][a]} followed by
+You should now see the U-Boot prompt:
+You may need to reset the board (using the tiny reset button close to
+the USB host connectors).
+You can now use U-Boot. Run the \code{help} command to see the available
+\section{Setting up Ethernet communication}
+The kernel image will be transferred to the board using the TFTP
+protocol, which works on top of an Ethernet connection.
+To start with, install a TFTP server on your development workstation:
+sudo apt-get install tftpd-hpa
+Copy your \code{uImage} file to the \code{/var/lib/tftpboot} directory.
+With a network cable, connect the Ethernet port of your board to the
+one of your computer. If your computer already has a wired connection
+to the network, your instructor will provide you with a USB Ethernet
+adapter. A new network interface, probably \code{eth1} or \code{eth2},
+should appear on your Linux system.
+To configure your network interface on the workstation side, click on
+the {\em Network Manager} tasklet on your desktop, and select {\em
+Edit Connections}.
+Select the new wired network connection:
+In the {\em IPv4 Settings} tab, make the interface use a static IP
+address, like (of course, make sure that this address
+belongs to a separate network segment from the one of the main company
+Now, configure the network on the board in U-Boot by setting the
+\code{ipaddr} and \code{serverip} environment variables:
+setenv ipaddr
+setenv serverip
+In case the board was previously configured in a different way, we
+also turn off automatic booting after commands that can be used to
+copy a kernel to RAM:
+setenv autostart no
+To make these settings permanent, save the environment:
+You can then test the TFTP connection. First, put a small text file in
+the directory exported through TFTP on your development
+workstation. Then, from U-Boot, do:
+tftp 0x21000000 textfile.txt
+This should download the file \code{textfile.txt} from your development
+workstation into the board's memory at location \code{0x21000000} (this
+location is part of the board DRAM). You can verify that the download
+was successful by dumping the contents of the memory:
+md 0x21000000
+\section{Boot the system}
+First, boot the board to the U-Boot prompt.  Before booting the
+kernel, we need to tell it that the root filesystem should be mounted
+over NFS, by setting some kernel parameters.  Use the following U-Boot
+command to do so (in just 1 line):
+setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs ip=
+  nfsroot=<user>/felabs/linux/modules/nfsroot
+Of course, you need to adapt the IP addresses to your exact network
+setup. Save the environment variables (with saveenv).  Now, download
+the kernel image through tftp:
+tftp 0x21000000 uImage
+Now, boot your kernel:
+bootm 0x21000000
+If everything goes right, you should reach a shell prompt. Otherwise,
+check your setup or ask your instructor for details.
+If the kernel fails to mount the NFS filesystem, look carefully at the
+error messages in the console. If this doesn't give any clue, you can
+also have a look at the NFS server logs in \code{/var/log/syslog}.
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Binary files /dev/null and b/labs/kernel-module-environment/network-config-3.png differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/labs/kernel-module-simple/kernel-module-simple.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+\subchapter{Writing modules}{Objective: create a simple kernel module}
+After this lab, you will be able to:
+\item Compile and test standalone kernel modules, which code is outside of the main Linux sources.
+\item Write a kernel module with several capabilities, including module parameters.
+\item Access kernel internals from your module.
+\item Setup the environment to compile it
+\item Create a kernel patch
+Stay inside the \code{/home/<user>/felabs/linux/modules} directory.
+Boot your board again, as you did in the previous lab.
+\section{Writing a module}
+Go to the \code{nfsroot/root} directory. All the files you generate
+there will also be visible from the target. That's great to load
+Create a \code{hello_version.c} file implementing a module which
+displays this kind of message when loaded:
+Hello Master. You are currently using Linux <version>.
+... and displays a goodbye message when unloaded.
+You may just start with a module that displays a hello message, and
+add version information later.
+Caution: you must use a kernel variable or function to get version
+information, and not just the value of a C macro. Otherwise, you will
+only get the version of the kernel you used to build the
+module. Suggestion: you can look for files in kernel sources which
+contain version in their name, and see what they do.
+\section{Building your module}
+The current directory contains a \code{Makefile} file, which lets you
+build modules outside a kernel source tree.  Compile your module.
+\section{Testing your module}
+Load your new module file. Check that it works as
+expected. Until this, unload it, modify its code, compile and load it
+again as many times as needed.
+Run a command to check that your module is on the list of loaded
+modules. Now, try to get the list of loaded modules with only the cat
+\section{Adding a parameter to your module}
+Add a who parameter to your module. Your module will say \code{Hello
+<who>} instead of \code{Hello Master}.
+ Compile and test your module by checking that it takes the who
+parameter into account when you load it.
+\section{Adding time information}
+Improve your module, so that when you unload it, it tells you how many
+seconds elapsed since you loaded it.  You can use the
+\code{do_gettimeofday()} function to achieve this.
+You may search for other drivers in the kernel sources using the
+\code{do_gettimeofday()} function. Looking for other examples always helps!
+\section{Following Linux coding standards}
+Your code should adhere to strict coding standards, if you want to
+have it one day merged in the mainline sources. One of the main
+reasons is code readability. If anyone used one's own style, given the
+number of contributors, reading kernel code would be very unpleasant.
+Fortunately, the Linux kernel community provides you with a utility to
+find coding standards violations.
+Run the \code{scripts/checkpatch.pl -h} command in the kernel sources,
+to find which options are available.  Now, run:
+scripts/checkpatch.pl --file --no-tree <path>/hello_version.c
+See how many violations are reported on your code. If there are
+indenting errors, you can first run your code through the \code{indent}
+sudo apt-get install indent
+indent -linux hello_version.c
+You can now compare the indented file with the original:
+sudo apt-get install meld
+meld hello_version.c~ hello_version.c
+Now, get back to \code{checkpatch.pl} and fix your code until there are
+no errors left.
+\section{Adding the {\tt hello\_version} module to the kernel sources}
+Add your module sources to the \code{drivers/misc/} directory in your
+kernel sources. Of course, also modify kernel configuration and
+building files accordingly, so that you can select your module in
+\code{make xconfig} and have it compiled by the \code{make} command.
+Configure your kernel with the config file corresponding to your
+running kernel. Now check that the configuration interface shows your
+new driver and lets you configure it as a module.
+Run the \code{make} command and make sure that the code of your new
+driver is getting compiled. Then, install your kernel module using
+\code{make modules_install}. Beware, the modules should be installed
+in the root filesystem of the target, not in the root filesystem of
+your development workstation!
+\section{Create a kernel patch}
+You can be proud of your new module! To be able to share it with
+others, create a patch which adds your new files to the mainstream
+Test that your patch file is compatible with the patch command by
+applying it to unmodified kernel sources.
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+++ b/labs/kernel-power-management/kernel-power-management.tex
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+\subchapter{Power management}{Objective: practice with standard power
+  management interfaces offered by Linux}
+After this lab, you will be able to:
+\item Suspend and resume your Linux system
+\item Change the CPU frequency of your system
+Lab data are available in \code{/home/<user>/felabs/powermgt/usage/}.
+Download and extract the latest update to the Linux 3.1 kernel.
+Suspend/resume support for the Calao board is already included in this
+Cpu frequency scaling support for this hardware was developed by Free
+Electrons and is not yet part of the mainline kernel. Therefore,
+before compiling the 3.1 kernel, you'll have to apply the three
+patches in the \code{data/} directory of this lab:
+\item The first patch implements the CPU frequency driver itself,
+  which allows to change the frequency on the AT91SAM9263 CPU
+\item The second patch adds CPU frequency support to the serial port
+  driver. When the CPU clock is changed, the divisors for the baud
+  rate generator must be modified. This is what this patch does.
+\item The third patch adds CPU frequency support to the Ethernet
+  controller driver for similar reasons.
+Configure your kernel with CPU Frequency scaling support, with the CPU
+Frequency driver for AT91, and for the different cpufreq governors.
+Then, compile this kernel, and boot the system over NFS to the root
+filesystem included
+in \code{/home/<user>/felabs/powermgt/usage/nfsroot/}.
+\section{Suspend and resume}
+To suspend to RAM the Calao board, run :
+echo mem > /sys/power/state
+The Calao board will then put itself in a low power-consumption mode,
+as the inactivity of most LEDs will show.
+To resume the Calao board, push the User button. After a short time,
+the board will be usable again.
+\section{CPU frequency control}
+Linux has a {\em cpufreq} driver to control CPU frequency. Of course, it can
+only switch between the limited number of operating states that your
+CPU and board can support.
+This interface can be controlled by userspace. This means it allows
+you to let the system user tune it from a graphical front-end, for
+Go to the \code{/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/} directory, and
+see what available files are.
+Check what the current cpufreq governor is.
+Find what the allowed frequencies are on your system.
+Now look at the files which offer write permission. These are the ones
+you can use to control \code{cpufreq}.
+Switch to the \code{userspace} governor, the one that disables the
+kernel autopilot.  Now, set the frequency of \code{cpu0} to the maximum
+one. View the \code{scaling_cur_freq} file to check that the
+frequency is the one you expected.
+Change the governor to \code{performance}, check the current frequency,
+and change to \code{powersave} and check the frequency again.
+You can also select the \code{ondemand} governor, add some load to your
+target by running \code{ping -f target-ip} ({\em ping} in flood mode) from
+your PC and see the cpu frequency increase when your system gets
+Note that with the \code{userspace} governor enabled, you can implement
+your own, custom CPU frequency control based on your own criteria. You
+could check the system temperature, for example, and if it gets hotter
+than a specified threshold, you could slow down the frequency. You
+could also let a time critical process bump the frequency to the
+maximum value. You can see that in userspace, {\bf you} are the
+\section{Using PowerTop}
+On your development PC. Install the nice PowerTop tool contributed by Intel:
+sudo apt-get install powertop
+Run the \code{powertop} command, and see it display statistics, and
+list the top processes that cause you CPU to wake up from a deeper
+sleep state, causing it to consume more power. You could use this
+interface to find power management bugs in the applications running on
+your system.
+If you're using a laptop, remove the AC power for a while. This gives
+you access to live power estimates from ACPI.
+Also follow the tips that PowerTop gives you to conserve power, and
+try to make your system consume as little power as possible.
+Compare your power estimates with other people in the classroom, and
+try to achieve the best results. Any technique can be used!
+Thanks to Linaro, PowerTop is also available on ARM now. See
+So, if your embedded architecture has CPUidle support, you could try
+this utility on it. If your embedded architecture has CPUidle support,
+even if you didn't compile powertop, you can still access idle state
+statistics by looking at the files
+in \code{/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu<n>/cpuidle}.
diff --git a/labs/kernel-serial-driver/kernel-serial-driver.tex b/labs/kernel-serial-driver/kernel-serial-driver.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+\subchapter{Kernel – Serial controller device driver
+  programming}{Objective: Develop a serial device driver for the
+  AT91SAM9263 CPU from scratch}
+In this lab, we are going

Michael Opdenacker, Free Electrons
Kernel, drivers, real-time and embedded Linux
development, consulting, training and support.
+33 484 253 396

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