[FE training-materials-updates] android: Update the init.rc behaviour with JB

Maxime Ripard maxime.ripard at free-electrons.com
Thu Aug 22 11:52:06 CEST 2013

Repository : git://git.free-electrons.com/training-materials.git

On branch  : jelly-bean
Link       : http://git.free-electrons.com/training-materials/commit/?id=e03e8c2eb33686bdbddc20feb64ee4a4a35bc47e


commit e03e8c2eb33686bdbddc20feb64ee4a4a35bc47e
Author: Maxime Ripard <maxime.ripard at free-electrons.com>
Date:   Tue Aug 20 17:17:19 2013 +0200

    android: Update the init.rc behaviour with JB
    Signed-off-by: Maxime Ripard <maxime.ripard at free-electrons.com>


 .../android-native-layer-init.tex                  |   25 +++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/slides/android-native-layer-init/android-native-layer-init.tex b/slides/android-native-layer-init/android-native-layer-init.tex
index eef2780..ccd8fa2 100644
--- a/slides/android-native-layer-init/android-native-layer-init.tex
+++ b/slides/android-native-layer-init/android-native-layer-init.tex
@@ -50,14 +50,15 @@
   \frametitle{init.rc file interpretation}
   \item Uses a unique syntax, based on events
-  \item There usually are several init configuration files,
-    \code{init.rc} itself, and \code{init.<platform_name>.rc}
-  \item While \code{init.rc} is always taken into account,
-    \code{init.<platform_name>.rc} is only interpreted if the platform
-    currently running the system reports the same name
-  \item This name is either obtained by reading the file
-    \code{/proc/cpuinfo} or from the \code{androidboot.hardware}
-    kernel parameter
+  \item There usually are several init configuration files, the main
+    \code{init.rc} file itself, plus the extra file included from it
+  \item By default, these included files hold either
+    subsystem-specific initialisation (USB, Kernel Tracing), or
+    hardware-specific instructions
+  \item It relies on system properties, evaluated at runtime, that
+    allows to have on the same system, configuration for several
+    different platforms, that will be used only when they are
+    relevant.
   \item Most of the customizations should therefore go to the
     platform-specific configuration file rather than to the generic
@@ -128,6 +129,8 @@ on <trigger>
+import /init.${ro.hardware}.rc
 on boot
    export PATH /sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /system/lib
@@ -191,6 +194,12 @@ service akmd /sbin/akmd
     the files associated to a new event.
   \item The associated configuration files are \code{/ueventd.rc} and
+  \item While \code{ueventd.rc} is always taken into account,
+    \code{ueventd.<platform>.rc} is only interpreted if the platform
+    currently running the system reports the same name
+  \item This name is either obtained by reading the file
+    \code{/proc/cpuinfo} or from the \code{androidboot.hardware}
+    kernel parameter

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