[FE training-materials-updates] kernel-serial-interrupt: Update the instructions for the Beaglebone

Maxime Ripard maxime.ripard at free-electrons.com
Fri Sep 6 16:28:36 CEST 2013

Repository : git://git.free-electrons.com/training-materials.git

On branch  : kernel-bbb
Link       : http://git.free-electrons.com/training-materials/commit/?id=f21933a792c36776c575beaf9ae9f3f1db50d09f


commit f21933a792c36776c575beaf9ae9f3f1db50d09f
Author: Maxime Ripard <maxime.ripard at free-electrons.com>
Date:   Fri Sep 6 16:27:37 2013 +0200

    kernel-serial-interrupt: Update the instructions for the Beaglebone
    Signed-off-by: Maxime Ripard <maxime.ripard at free-electrons.com>


 .../kernel-serial-interrupt.tex                    |  141 ++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

diff --git a/labs/kernel-serial-interrupt/kernel-serial-interrupt.tex b/labs/kernel-serial-interrupt/kernel-serial-interrupt.tex
index d17f0af..de5ae6c 100644
--- a/labs/kernel-serial-interrupt/kernel-serial-interrupt.tex
+++ b/labs/kernel-serial-interrupt/kernel-serial-interrupt.tex
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ During this lab, you will:
 \item Register an interrupt handler for the serial controller of the
-  Calao board
+  Beaglebone
 \item See how Linux handles shared interrupt lines
 \item Implement the read() operation of the serial port driver to put
   the process to sleep when no data are available
@@ -18,87 +18,58 @@ During this lab, you will:
 This lab is a continuation of the {\em Output-only character driver
   lab}, so we'll re-use the code in
-\code{$HOME/felabs/linux/character}. Your Calao board should boot over
-NFS and mount \code{/home/<user>/felabs/linux/character/nfsroot/} as the root
-For demonstration purposes, we need to ensure that the tick system will
-use the shared IRQ. So configure your kernel and {\em disable} TC
-Block Clocksource (\code{CONFIG_ATMEL_TCB_CLKSRC}). Then compile
-and boot your new kernel.
+\code{$HOME/felabs/linux/character}. Your Beaglebone should boot over
+NFS and mount \code{/home/<user>/felabs/linux/character/nfsroot/} as
+the root filesystem.
 \section{Register the handler}
 First, declare an interrupt handler function. Then, in the module
-initialization function, register this handler to IRQ number
-\code{NR_IRQS_LEGACY + AT91_ID_SYS}. Note that this IRQ is shared,
-so the appropriate flags must be passed at registration time.
-Then, in the interrupt handler, just print a message and
-return \code{IRQ_NONE} (to tell the kernel that we haven't handled
-the interrupt).
-Compile and load your module. Look at the kernel logs: they are full
-of our message indicating that interrupts are occurring, even if we
-are not receiving from the serial port! It shows you that interrupt
-handlers on shared IRQ lines are all called every time an interrupt
+initialization function, we need to register this handler to an IRQ
+Nowadays, Linux is using a virtual IRQ number that it derives from the
+hardware interrupt number. This virtual number is created through the
+\code{irqdomain} mechanism. The hardware IRQ number to use is
+\code{72} for the UART. You can get a virtual IRQ number by using the
+\code{irq_create_mapping} function.
+Then, pass the newly created virtual interrupt to \code{request_irq}
+along with the interrupt handler to register your interrupt in the
+kernel. Note that this IRQ is shared, so the appropriate flags must be
+passed at registration time.
+Then, in the interrupt handler, just print a message and return
+\code{IRQ_HANDLED} (to tell the kernel that we have handled the
+You'll also need to enable the interrupt when receiving a new
+character. To do so, in the initialization of the module, write the
+\code{UART_IER_RDI} bit in the \code{UART_IER} register.
+Compile and load your module. Send a character on the serial link, and
+look at the kernel logs: they are full of our message indicating that
+interrupts are occurring, even if we only sent one character! It shows
+you that interrupt handlers should do a little bit more when an
+interrupt occurs.
 \section{Enable and filter the interrupts}
-In fact, at the moment, reception and interrupts are not enabled at
-the level of the serial port controller. So in the initialization
-function of the module:
-\item Write \code{ATMEL_US_RSTSTA | ATMEL_US_RSTRX} to the
-  \code{ATMEL_US_CR} register
-\item Write \code{ATMEL_US_TXEN | ATMEL_US_RXEN} to the
-  \code{ATMEL_US_CR} register
-\item Write \code{ATMEL_US_RXRDY} to the \code{ATMEL_US_IER}
-  register (IER stands for Interrupt Enable Register).
-Now, in our interrupt handler we want to filter out the interrupts
-that come from the serial controller. To do so, read the value of the
-\code{ATMEL_US_CSR} register and the value of the
-\code{ATMEL_US_IMR} register. If the result of a {\em binary and}
-operation between these two values is different from zero, then it
-means that the interrupt is coming from our serial controller.
+In fact, the hardware will replay the interrupt until you acknowledge
+it. Linux will only dispatch the interrupt event to the rightful
+handler, hoping that this handler will acknowledge it. What we
+experienced here is called an \code{interrupt flood}.
-If the interrupt comes from our serial port controller, print a
-message and return \code{IRQ_HANDLED}. If the interrupt doesn't come from
-our serial port controller, just return \code{IRQ_NONE} without printing a
+Now, in our interrupt handler, we want to acknowledge the
+interrupt. On the UART controller we drive, it's done simply by
+reading the content of the \code{UART_RX} register, which holds the
+next character received. You can display the value you read to see
+that the driver will receive whatever character you sent.
 Compile and load your driver. Have a look at the kernel messages. You
-should no longer be flooded with interrupt messages.
-Start \code{picocom} on \code{/dev/ttyUSB0}. Press one character (nothing will
-appear since the target system is not echoing back what we're
-typing). Then, in the kernel log, you should see the message of our
-interrupt handler. If not, check your code once again and ask your
-instructor for clarification!
-\section{Read the received characters}
-You can read the received characters by reading the \code{ATMEL_US_RHR}
-register using \code{readl()}. It must be done in code that loops until the
-\code{ATMEL_US_RXRDY} bit of the \code{ATMEL_US_CSR} register goes back to
-zero. This method of operation allows to read several characters in a
-single interrupt.
-Note that our hardware doesn't give us any special register to
-acknowledge interrupts. What happens is that interrupts are
-acknowledged (allowing more interrupts to be sent in the future), when
-the driver accesses the \code{ATMEL_US_RHR} register to read each
-For each received character, print a message containing the character.
-Compile and load your driver.
-From \code{picocom} on \code{/dev/ttyUSB0} on the host, send characters
-to the target. The kernel messages on the target should properly tell
-you which characters are being received.
+should no longer be flooded with interrupt messages. In the kernel
+log, you should see the message of our interrupt handler. If not,
+check your code once again and ask your instructor for clarification!
 \section{Sleeping, waking up and communication}
@@ -135,21 +106,21 @@ character, store it in the userspace buffer, update the
 read one character at a time, even if the userspace application
 requested more than one).
-Now, what happens in our \code{read()} function if no character is available
-for reading (i.e, if \code{serial_buf_wr} is equal to \code{serial_buf_rd})? We
-should put the process to sleep!
+Now, what happens in our \code{read()} function if no character is
+available for reading (i.e, if \code{serial_buf_wr} is equal to
+\code{serial_buf_rd})? We should put the process to sleep!
 To do so, declare a global wait queue in our driver, named for example
-\code{serial_wait}. In the \code{read()} function, use \code{wait_event_interruptible()}
-to wait until \code{serial_buf_wr} is different from \code{serial_buf_rd}. And
-in the interrupt handler, after storing the received characters in the
-circular buffer, use \code{wake_up()} to wake up all processes waiting on
-the wait queue.
-Compile and load your driver. Run \code{cat /dev/serial} on the target,
-and then in Picocom on the development workstation side, type some
-characters. They should appear on the remote side if everything works
+\code{serial_wait}. In the \code{read()} function, use
+\code{wait_event_interruptible()} to wait until \code{serial_buf_wr}
+is different from \code{serial_buf_rd}. And in the interrupt handler,
+after storing the received characters in the circular buffer, use
+\code{wake_up()} to wake up all processes waiting on the wait queue.
+Compile and load your driver. Run \code{cat /dev/serial} on the
+target, and then in Picocom on the development workstation side, type
+some characters. They should appear on the remote side if everything
+works correctly!
 Don't be surprised if the keys you type in Picocom don't appear on the
 screen. This happens because they are not echoed back by the target.

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