[bootlin/training-materials updates] master: kernel: Try to clarify why swap is used only by tmpfs in the kernel to avoid questions (01195303)

Miquel Raynal miquel.raynal at bootlin.com
Fri Dec 23 15:37:06 CET 2022

Repository : https://github.com/bootlin/training-materials
On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/bootlin/training-materials/commit/01195303d33f678b6ca67f317f9f79a787836cf5


commit 01195303d33f678b6ca67f317f9f79a787836cf5
Author: Miquel Raynal <miquel.raynal at bootlin.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 23 15:37:06 2022 +0100

    kernel: Try to clarify why swap is used only by tmpfs in the kernel to avoid questions
    Signed-off-by: Miquel Raynal <miquel.raynal at bootlin.com>


 slides/kernel-source-code-drivers/kernel-source-code-drivers.tex | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/slides/kernel-source-code-drivers/kernel-source-code-drivers.tex b/slides/kernel-source-code-drivers/kernel-source-code-drivers.tex
index dd7c2e1a..14f060f8 100644
--- a/slides/kernel-source-code-drivers/kernel-source-code-drivers.tex
+++ b/slides/kernel-source-code-drivers/kernel-source-code-drivers.tex
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
   \item Fixed size stack (8 or 4 KB). Unlike in user space, no mechanism
     was implemented to make it grow. Don't use recursion!
   \item Swapping is not implemented for kernel memory either\\
-    (Exception: {\em tmpfs} filesystem pages)
+    (except {\em tmpfs} which lives completely in the page cache and on swap)

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